Tuberculosis Test Kit

AccuQuik™ is a CE and ISO Tuberculosis Test Kit manufacturer.
As an American brand, AccuQuik™ places the highest priority on the quality of our Tuberculosis Test Kit products. However,
as we look to serve the needs of the developing world, our test kits are manufactured in our India and China-based facilities.

Tuberculosis Test Kit

AccuQuik™ is a CE and ISO Tuberculosis Test Kit manufacturer.
As an American brand, AccuQuik™ places the highest priority on the quality of our Tuberculosis Test Kit products. However,
as we look to serve the needs of the developing world, our test kits are manufactured in our India and China-based facilities.

Tuberculosis Test Kit Features

Test: Tuberculosis Test

Disease: Tuberculosis

Specimen: Serum/Plasma , Whole Blood

Sensitivity: >98%

Test Form: Cassette, Strips

  • 1 strip/pack, 50 packs/box
  • 1 cassette/pack, 25 packs/box
  • 1 cassette/complete set, 1 set/box

Tuberculosis Test Kit

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Tuberculosis Test Kit

More Information about the Tuberculosis Test Kit

The tuberculosis test identifies the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by measuring the immune response to tuberculosis. The diagnosis will require blood to be collected. In the case of a positive result, one should consult with their doctor to consider the first stage of treatment, which will depend on whether the infection is latent or active.

Our tuberculosis test kit has been shown to be accurate in 98% of cases, clearly demonstrating its reliability. Certain medical factors may influence the result of the test, such as other medications. If concerned about a false positive then the individual should consult a doctor before taking the test in order to ensure accurate interpretation of the results.

AccuQuik™ promotes the use of the tuberculosis test kit.

The Tuberculosis Test

Available as Cassette or Strips

Tuberculosis Test Kits Cassette and Strip Forms

The tuberculosis test identifies the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by measuring the immune response to the tuberculosis. The diagnosis will require blood to be collected. In the case of a positive result, one should consult with their doctor to consider the first stage of treatment, which will depend on whether the infection is latent or active.

Our tuberculosis test kit has been shown to be accurate in 98% of cases, clearly demonstrating its reliability. Certain medical factors may influence the result of the test, such as other medications. If concerned about a false positive then the individual should consult a doctor before taking the test in order to ensure accurate interpretation of the results.

AccuQuik™ promotes the use of the tuberculosis test kit.

The Disease

General Information

Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which commonly infects the lungs but can infect any tissue in the body. The bacterium is spread via airborne transmission and can be found in a latent and active form. In the latent form, the bacteria are inactive, with the infected individual being asymptomatic and not contagious. The bacteria is activated by a weakened immune system, leading to the symptoms associated with the active form, which include coughing blood, chest pain, weight loss, fatigue, fever, night sweats and chills.

If left untreated the disease can be fatal. Individuals at a higher risk of contracting the disease should be screened for latent tuberculosis infection, for example, HIV/AIDS patients, IV drug users and healthcare workers. A vaccination known as BCG is available.

Tuberculosis is common in developing countries, with the highest incidences reported in India. The rate of infection varies with age. In developing countries, young children are more susceptible. On the opposite side, older people are more susceptible to tuberculosis in developed countries. Approximately one-third of the global population is suspected to be infected with tuberculosis bacteria, but 90% of cases are asymptomatic. The disease is endemic in more than 100 countries worldwide, with high prevalence in Africa, the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, South-east Asia and the Western Pacific.


The latent form can be treated with medication such as Isoniazid, Rifampin, and Rifapentine, all of which prevent the development of the active form. The active form is approached with a 6-9 months long drug treatment. The first line of antituberculosis agents from the core treatment regime includes Isoniazid, Rifampin, Ethambutol, and Pyrazinamide. The treatment is divided into the initial phase of 2 months, and the continuation phase of 4-7 months. It is necessary to finish the entire course of medication in order to kill all the bacteria.

For more information on tuberculosis treatment visit the following webpage

At AdvaCare Pharma USA we do have other divisions dedicated to different ranges which can be of your interest. Or you can check more products within our AccuQuik Test Kits below:

Tuberculosis Test Kit FAQs

Who needs tuberculosis test kit?
Anyone showing symptoms of tuberculosis should get screened for active tuberculosis. Those with weak immune systems, such as HIV/AIDS patients, should be screened for latent tuberculosis. Also, individuals at risk of contracting the disease or frequently exposed to the disease such as IV drug users or healthcare workers should be screened for latent tuberculosis.
Can the tuberculosis test tell the difference between latent and active tuberculosis?
The test will determine whether Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria are present, but will not distinguish between the latent and active form. To find out if the bacterium is active further testing is required. A chest x-ray and a sample of the sputum will be sufficient to determine whether the bacteria has progressed to the active form.
Where can I buy the tuberculosis test kits?
The AccuQuik™ Tuberculosis Test Kit can be purchased from any local retailer distributing our test kits. The tests kits can also be provided for distribution following contact with the sales department of AccuQuik™.
Can I use the tuberculosis test kits at home?
The tuberculosis test kit cannot be used at home as the kit requires a blood sample from the patient, which should be acquired according to official safety procedures by a qualified professional. The test kits are ideal for hospital use.
Are AccuQuik™ Tuberculosis Kits 100% accurate?
Although the tuberculosis test kits are very accurate, the results can only guarantee 98% accuracy. The tuberculosis test is very reliable provided that the instructions have been followed as explained on the test kit information leaflet inserted in the packaging.
Do you have any other question about AccuQuik™ Tuberculosis Test Kit?

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